WLC Q.156: Is the word of God to be read by all?
Although all are not to be permitted to read the word publicly to the congregation, (Deut. 31:9,11–13, Neh. 8:2–3, Neh. 9:3–5) yet all sorts of people are bound to read it apart by themselves, (Deut. 17:19, Rev. 1:3, John 5:39, Isa. 34:16) and with their families: (Deut. 6:6–9, Gen. 18:17,19, Ps. 78:5–7) to which end, the holy scriptures are to be translated out of the original into vulgar languages. (1 Cor. 14:6,9,11–12,15–16,24,27–28)